Reimagine Inclusion by Mita Mallick: A Must-Read for HR and Beyond

Reimagine Inclusion by Mita Mallick: A Must-Read for HR and Beyond

Reimagine Inclusion by Mita Mallick

Mita Mallick’s Reimagine Inclusion offers sharp insights into how HR professionals can drive meaningful workplace change. In the book, she tackles 13 myths about diversity, equity, and inclusion with real-world examples that often made me pause and reflect—sometimes hoping the examples were exaggerated for effect. Her wit and precision make it a worthy read, not just for HR professionals, but for anyone interested in building more inclusive spaces.

When I say this book made me stop and think, I mean STOP. AND. THINK. There were multiple “put the book down, stare into space, and whisper ‘Oh damn…'” moments. I would’ve finished it in one sitting if I hadn’t been so busy reflecting after every other page.

For example—an “Oh damn…” moment in which Mallick dissects why we often hold back from apologizing:

  1. We don’t think we did anything wrong.
  2. We don’t want to seem weak.
  3. We don’t really care about the other person.
  4. We don’t want to feel bad about ourselves.
  5. We don’t think an apology will help.

These points hit home, challenging assumptions in a way that felt both personal and universal.

Example of a curb cut (wikimedia)

One of my favorite takeaways was the “curb cut effect.” Originally designed for people using wheelchairs, curb cuts now benefit a wide range of people—parents with strollers, the elderly, visually impaired individuals, and even skateboarders (the ones we all side-eye as they zoom past). Mallick uses this analogy to highlight how DEI initiatives, though intended for specific groups, often benefit everyone in the organization. It’s an eye-opener for anyone who hasn’t yet grasped the far-reaching effects of true inclusion.

On top of this, Mallick is incredibly active and engaging on LinkedIn. Her passion for DEI shines not just through her writing but in her everyday interactions and posts,


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